Monday, June 17, 2013

Miracle Monday.

So you live in Hawaii...congratulations!  You have just won the lottery of places to live when your spouse is sent somewhere because of the military.

So I have heard about this case of the Mondays, mumbo jumbo and quite frankly, I just don't believe it. I woke up just like a few of my friends did feeling good.  Feeling ready to start the day.  Feeling excited that it is the beginning of a new week.  Feeling sore because I ran 20 miles of trails with my better half. Heck, I think most of us would be sore if we covered 20 miles of ground in just under seven hours.

I have been living in Hawaii for almost a year now and I can say..I LOVE HAWAII.  There is so much to do and there are so many fun activities to try that I know now that with my slightly indecisive nature moving here initially put me into shock because there were so many things to do, so many new foods and FISH to try and so many people to SHARE this life with its just INCREDIBLE.

At first when I got here, I was tired.sore.dehydrated.andbeingsomeonethatIknowIamnot.  I was running but not because I enjoyed it, because I thought I had to run in order to stay thin and look good and fit into my clothes.  Well my clothes were baggy and yes, I could do quite a few pull-ups but I had no gluteals to show off in a bikini, I drank water instead of eating when I am hungry and I could barely prepare meals for my husband which I normally LOVE doing.

So after much time and TOFWR (Time on Feet While Running), I figured out that I needed to LEAD by EXAMPLE and LOVE MYSELF first before I could LOVE anyone else.  It started small by volunteering at the Hawaiian Humane Society and walking dogs, then helping teach classes, then coaching and then just doing nice things for my neighbors because all I wanted to say was,      "THANK YOU FOR LETTING ME LIVE IN HAWAII!"

I got involved in activities I love doing and I put everything I have into helping others whether it is for donuts, health/fitness, or making my house a HOME.

We live a crazy life at times as military spouses but its not about what we don't have in our life, its about what we do have and that's what matters the most.

Take care and Run Happy!

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