Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Food for Thought

Try-it-On Tuesday

When I first got to Hawaii, I did not know what to do first.  I wanted to run.  I wanted to explore and I thought I wanted to be a traditional nurse.  There were so many things I wanted to do and I still wasn't happy.  Happiness is a journey not a destination and that's what I have found through my own exploration as a military spouse.

The first hike that I did with friends was up to the pillboxes and we hiked across the top and then scrambled down the side and ended up in someone's backyard.  The point is that the view was beautiful almost the whole time we did this hike.  Except for the short steep incline at the beginning and the steep descent, the ride on the top of the pillboxes was beautiful.  There may have been some challenges, quick drops and sheer cliff faces that just astounded most of us but we were okay.

We had each other and we had this experience that no one could take away from us.  We had conquered something and despite the high level of anxiety I had about doing a non-intense activity, I finished, we finished and we lived to be HERE in HAWAII another day.

So here's my Monday top five:
5. Having the secretary call me and say a class that starts next week say hope that I made it this week.  I called her back and clarified that she was wrong..Silly Sharon.
4. Walking Lucy on the beach and having a new record set.
3. Attempting to have a girls night before being interrupted by #5.
2. Arts and crafts projects thanks to Ben Franklin
1. Watching LOST with my husband on Netflix and learning about said named top five.

I CHALLENGE you to find your TOP FIVE today.

Thank you for what you have already done and what you are about to do,

-The Rh Factor

"Give thanks for unknown blessings already on their way," -Navajo blessing

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