Friday, June 21, 2013

Dr. Dolittle

Hope that you got out and did something this morning.  Whether it was walking your dog, going to the gym or running with an old friend, you did something, so congratulations, you are a CHAMPION.

So I had an old friend, same old friend that did Donut delivery and same old friend that asked me to tryout for Legally Blonde with her, to go for a run, so me and RSManoa went out for a run.  She's got this sweet goal of doing 24 races before her 24th birthday and all I have to say is mad props to her.  I think that if I did that many races in a year I would be...tired.  I can handle about one a month and that's it because, well, for those of you who know me, I am a try hard.

So out we went and she had this grand scheme of a run about how we were going to go climb this almost mountain outside the confines of our community.  Then I asked RSManoa, "How far did you want to run?"

She replied, "Well about four miles."

I answered, "If you are planning on running to the top of that mountain and back its probably close to eight so let's stay in the neighborhood."

So out we went at her pace, so that we could catch up, chat and just see how things were going.  We talked nutrition, we talked Broadway and we talked animals and just had a great time.  By the time we got back to her house and almost five miles later, our faces were flushed and we were spent.

The run is not always about the speed.  Its about getting out there and doing it (whatever it is you like best) on a regular basis so that you have a constant IV flow of endorphins so that your mood stays stable and your energy high and the 2 pm blues that sometimes hit me, really don't seem that bad.

On another note, being Fit Friday, I did a quick little body weight circuit to get my arms looking good and just to help with overuse injuries I am working through so in honor of someone who is leaving our special community, I shall call it The Byrd.

The Byrd (2 sets less than 1 min rest between exercises, when you are in SHAPE...less than 15 seconds)

15 push-ups
30 seconds R/L side plank
30 seconds front plank
15 donkey kicks
15 fire hydrants
20 lunges (first set fwd, second set backward)
15 prisoner squats
20 stair calf raises

It takes less than 10 minutes to complete and with a little running, you'll be looking good in no time :-)

Take care and have a nice day.


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