Thursday, June 20, 2013


Keep your house clean.

Llama, Machu Picchu, 2010

A valuable lesson can be learned from llamas.  When going into UNESCO sites in Peru, my husband and I noticed something.  The llamas with shorter ropes were generally better behaved than those with longer ropes.  Those with longer ropes were more likely to run off and try to be wild again.  Anyway, the llamas at these sites like Machu Picchu have been a huge hit with tourists and well, who doesn't like llamas.

So you ask, what does this have to do with keeping your house clean?

Well, I cleaned my house today and I cleaned up my Facebook friend list and I like llamas therefore, it has to do with keeping your house clean.

When you meet people do you automatically tell them where you live and who your mother's father was and what his middle name is?   Be careful of phishy emails from people you don't know and people that try to friend you on Facebook who you have not met face to face.  Now granted if you have a few friends in common, you have common ground so being Facebook friends probably is not that far off base.

Be aware of your surroundings and be prepared for the good and the bad because resiliency is key in life success.  I watched the commencement speech that Oprah gave at Harvard this year and it is truly fantastic.  I have linked it on Pinterest for anyone who would like to view it.  It speaks more to cleaning and success than I can today.

Hope you all have had a pretty good day and if not, get outside and go for a walk, that's what Lucy and I are doing.

Take Care,

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